
Wednesday, July 18, 2007


小包博士要讲娘娘大人了。Hurhurhur~我的娘娘不是戏剧里的王母娘娘,她是我老婆的老妈,所以我叫她娘~ :D

对了,今天要介绍的是娘!娘娘出身于1983年10月5日,姓陈,名叫美光。你可不要取笑她的名字喔,小包博士会生气的!她身高158cm,体重-不知道,身材娇小,肤色是阳光型的,人又长得甜美,所以婆婆大人才会帮她去取美光这个名字。很多auntie auntie auntie 都说她像Chip and Dale, 因为她有两颗很可爱的僵尸牙~hurhurhur~ 我觉得娘娘很漂亮,老婆长得很像她。妈妈和爸爸也是这么认为的。Hurhurhur~ =D

娘娘很受欢迎,可是她一点也不骄傲。她很友善,可是一点也不花心。她很爱吃零食,可是一点也不肥。(注:Auntie Chew 和妈妈都是被她弄肥的~ Hurhurhur ~) 她很疼我,常常买pocky给我吃,所以一点也不吝啬。

娘娘是学生,在SIM读大学文凭。娘娘刚考完试,拿了好多B,真的好努力!娘娘声音很温柔,又独立,又会打扮,又疼爱小动物,她的优点真是多到数不清。娘娘很被动,小包想要一个爹爹,想了好久好久咯~ 因为娘娘是好女孩,不想找坏人做男朋友。妈妈也真是苦口婆心,一直叫顺顺叔叔去最追娘娘,叫娘娘去见顺顺叔叔,可是两边都很被动,真是伤脑筋啊~若你对娘娘有兴趣,可要经过无敌天才-张小包的考验才能追哦~!


1.娘抱抱 2.娘害羞,偷笑!
3.娘亲亲~ 4.好可爱~

English Version

Due to popular demand (a total hits of 47..LOL), I shall translate a simple basic English version for those who learned Chinese and yet failed to recognize it. Haha!

My Niang

Today I shall introduce you to my niang. She is my cutie laopo’s mother, so I address her as niang. Niang is born on 5nd October 1983. Her name is called Hazel. Her height is 158cm, small framed, lightly tanned (natural colour) and sweet looking. My dear aunties said she looked like chip and dale due to her 2 cute little vampire tooth~ I feel that she is very pretty and daddy and mummy agrees too~

Niang is quite popular, but she’s not proud. She is friendly, but she’s not a flirt. She loves to eat tidbits, but she’s not fat. Most importantly, she dotes on me a lot and always buy me pocky, so she’s not stingy~!

Niang is a part-time student at SIM pursuing her degree currently. She has a gentle voice, quite independent, knows how to dress up, loves small animals and too many other good things to say about her. Xiaobao hopes that she can find a good guy who can warm up her heart and stay with her forever.

Because of niang, there is laopo. Because of niang, bored mama gets to have company in office. Because of niang, I get unlimited supply of chocolate milk to drink!. Hurhurhur~

Attached is niang’s photo, enjoy the beautiful pictures but don’t drool saliva pls~!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Hurhurhur~好久没有写 blog了。娘等好久了,因该要气到爆炸了。Hurhurhur~

小孩也是有小还孩的烦恼,最近老婆常常生气,我不知道自己做错了什么。难道是我太受欢迎的关系?还是因为我没有讲甜甜的话?hurhurhur~ 老婆,我也只不过是一个小孩子吗。。。 =D

爸爸帮我做了一个特别的照片, 手会动的哦~



Xiao Bao Wave